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171Me encanta el rollo minimalista de la primera foto… es imptaacnte!!! Brutal!!! Vaya, que entre la imagen y la receta, me has convencido muchacha ;D. Ésta sàla pruebo; estoy a dieta y este tipo de platillos me va de fábula. Gracias Miriam 32
Hello Sabina.Thanks for the message. The tour is free and you can bring anyone. If they do not have a camera then they may become models for us. Look forward to meeting you.Chris
It looks so beautiful there. I love the pictures by the lake. It makes me want to take some time off and find a place like that to just enjoy life with my family.[]
I do hope you don’t “hang it up,” as it were. I really enjoy these, as they are quite informative and rather unique in their depth and content. Keep it up, Father Z!
This is lovely. I’m looking forward to the series.I was just explaining to a friend fearful of starting a blog because she had “no topic” and “nothing to say” that every day contains material if you look for it. Blogging makes you mindful of the corn…and the moon. Thanks!
171Me encanta el rollo minimalista de la primera foto… es imptaacnte!!! Brutal!!! Vaya, que entre la imagen y la receta, me has convencido muchacha ;D. Ésta sàla pruebo; estoy a dieta y este tipo de platillos me va de fábula. Gracias Miriam 32
Hello Sabina.Thanks for the message. The tour is free and you can bring anyone. If they do not have a camera then they may become models for us. Look forward to meeting you.Chris
It looks so beautiful there. I love the pictures by the lake. It makes me want to take some time off and find a place like that to just enjoy life with my family.[]
I do hope you don’t “hang it up,” as it were. I really enjoy these, as they are quite informative and rather unique in their depth and content. Keep it up, Father Z!
This is lovely. I’m looking forward to the series.I was just explaining to a friend fearful of starting a blog because she had “no topic” and “nothing to say” that every day contains material if you look for it. Blogging makes you mindful of the corn…and the moon. Thanks!
… 多年å‰,å¤å¾·æ˜Žæ¶‰å«Œåœ¨ä¸ç’°åŸŸå¤šåˆ©çš‡åŽè¡—的三è¯æ›¸åº—å·æ›¸,æ¤äº‹çµæžœä¸Šäº†å ±ç´™。情æ³æ˜¯é€™æ¨£çš„:當年的三è¯åœ¨ä¸€æ¨“那層有å´é–€é€šå¾€é„°åº§æ¨“梯,有è·å“¡ç¨±å¤å¾·æ˜Žç•¶æ™‚形跡å¯ç–‘地從å´é–€é›¢åŽ»,便上å‰æ””截,çµæžœç™¼ç¾æœ‰å…©æœ¬æ›¸è—在毛衣è£。å¤å¾·æ˜Žè¾¯ç¨±,ä»–æ ¹æœ¬æ˜¯è¦åŽ»ä»˜æ¬¾çš„,ä»–åªæ˜¯è¢«äººé™·å®³,並強調三è¯æ˜¯「內地書店」。最後,法åºåˆ¤ä»–無罪。… 8:14 AM, September 06, 2006devin said… 想ä¸åˆ°é–£ä¸‹åŽŸä¾†å¦‚æ¤ä¸å ª, é§ä½ å¹¾å¥å°±èªžç„¡å€«æ¬¡äº†, 連å¤å¾·æ˜Ž n å¹´å‰çš„什麼出丑事都è¦æ‹¿å‡ºä¾†, 人家的論點都看ä¸è¦‹äº†… 看來, 稱閣下為憤é’也抬高閣下了, 起碼人家還有é§æ–¥çš„能力… 8:25 AM, September 06, 2006å€‰æµ·å› said… 《列å.天瑞》記載了æ±éƒå…ˆç”Ÿå°å®‹åœ‹å‘æ°çš„話:「若一身庸éžç›œä¹Ž?盜陰陽之和以æˆè‹¥ç”Ÿ,載若形,æ³å¤–物而éžç›œå“‰?」 å³æ˜¯èªª,ä½ æ“æœ‰çš„ä¸€åˆ‡æ ¹æœ¬éƒ½æ˜¯å¾žå¤©åœ°å·ä¾†çš„,åŒ…æ‹¬ä½ çš„èº«é«”,所以人人都是盜賊。既然如æ¤,å³ä½¿å¤å…ˆç”ŸçœŸå·äº†æ›¸,åˆä½•é†œä¹‹æœ‰?ä½ è©²èªª:三è¯è·å“¡é™·å®³å¤å…ˆç”Ÿ,那是自賤。 ä½ è½éŽå§‘蘇慕容沒有? 9:14 AM, September 06, 2006****補充:ç¾åœ¨æˆ‘仔細一想,確實是我弄錯了。å¾žä½ ç‰¹æ®Šçš„è§’åº¦çœ‹,這些怎算得上åé§?ä½ åˆä½•æ›¾å•žå£ç„¡è¨€å‘¢?抱æ‰æŠ±æ‰。****å¤å¾·æ˜Žå¤ªå¯æ€•äº†--å°±åƒä½ 一樣--å› ç‚ºä»–çš„é‚輯謬誤多得令人絕望。ä½†ä½ æ—¢ç„¶é‚£éº¼å–œæ¡logic,é‚£éº¼è®“æˆ‘å‘Šè¨´ä½ ä¸€å€‹æœ€é‡è¦çš„謬誤。之å‰æˆ‘已在留言說:她說的「污點」當然ä¸æ˜¯æŒ‡è‡ªå·±è¡Œç‚ºä¸Šçš„污點,而是指更衣情æ³è¢«å…¬é–‹çš„å°·å°¬,她åªæ˜¯è©žä¸é”æ„而已。(12:43 AM, September 06, 2006)除了笨蛋,沒人會把阿嬌å£ä¸çš„「污點」,真當作「äººæ ¼、å“德上的污點」ç†è§£;而除了無æ¥çš„æ–‡æ£(或åƒä½ 這種「有è˜ä¹‹å£«」)外,æ怕也沒有人會在阿嬌這種情æ³ä¸‹,乘機將她詞ä¸é”æ„çš„æ¼æ´ž,ç‰½æ‰¯ä¸Šä¸€å †ç„¡é¡žæ¯”é—œä¿‚çš„æ•…å¯¦,å†åˆ»æ„轉化為貶æå—å®³è€…äººæ ¼çš„æŒ‡æŽ§,以圖為自己è€é—†æ–‡éŽé£¾éž。ä¸éŒ¯,å¤çš„主題確是「污點」,但å¤æ‰€å¯«çš„「污點」(指å“德上的缺失),ä¸æ˜¯é˜¿å¬Œæ‰€æƒ³è¡¨é”的那種「污點」(æ„指事件令她大感尷尬和苦惱)--例如我說「會考ï¼åˆ†æ˜¯æˆ‘人生的一個污點」,å¾ˆæ˜Žé¡¯å’Œäººæ ¼æ‰¯ä¸ä¸Šé—œä¿‚--但å¤å»å·æ›äº†「污點」æ¤è©žçš„æ¦‚å¿µä¾†å¤§é€ æ–‡ç« ,犯的é‚輯謬誤å«「å«ç³Šå…¶è©ž」(equivocation)。ä½ å¤§æ¦‚é‚„æœƒå•:為什麼å¤å¾·æ˜Žä¸€å®šè¦ä¾æ“šé˜¿å¬Œçš„用æ„去詮釋「污點」å‘¢?借題發æ®ä¸å¯ä»¥å—Ž?當然å¯ä»¥,å¤å…ˆç”Ÿ,ä½ è‡ªä¾¿å§。