• disse:Tenho uma duvida curiosa. Se são os próprios noivos q cormndav(entiegam os convites), porque nos convites de casamento tá escrito os nomes dos pais e em baixo tá escrito: “Convidam para a cerimonia religiosa de seus filhos”, sendo que não são os pais que convidam e sim os noivos?

  • En 1991 a éclaté la première guerre des Émirats.Juan Manuel Fangio – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Manuel_FangioJuan Manuel Fangio nicknamed El Chueco (« the bowlegged one », also commonly translated as « bandy legged ») or El Maestro (« The Master »), was a racing car …Juan Manuel Fangio II – Museo Juan Manuel Fangio

  • Thanks for taking so many photos! I also went on the Newtown Creek nature walk, and then on the wastewater treatment plant tour, which I recommend. There was a brief talk on how the waste system evolved in NYC, and a look around (and on top of) the eggs, which offer a great view of the plant and the surrounding area, and of Manhattan.

  • « Mais il y a des personnes (surtout des gars) qui ont peur de l’intimité! (le pur sexe n’en étant pas) » Bon point de réflexion ca….

  • Nu har jag klickat pÃ¥ alla bilder och kan bara säga… Ã…h, sÃ¥ fint!Alltihopa är jättefint! Och va duktig din mor är som gjort den vackra takkronan! Passade in jättebra!Och bordet blev ju kanonbra i vitt!Ha en fortsatt fin luciakväll! Kram Marie

  • I agree with Patrick that Kaitlin should have made it, but I also miss Jay Mohr. I guess I’m the only person (besides Nikki Cox) who actually likes him. I’ve got my early favorites. I think John Roy has my vote now. We’ll see how they progress.

  • About the fall of White scores…Has the immigration from white countries to the US increased during the measured segment of time (not as a percent of all immigrants, but relative to the white immigration before)? Immigrants who don't send their kids to cram schools can bring the average down, especially in English.

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